List alerts
About 556 wordsAbout 2 min
Request URL
Use of this API requires authentication. For details about the authentication method, see
Content Typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
- The current user must have read privileges for the alerts.
Request Schema
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
pagePath | body | string | No | Full page path (e.g., /public/test.datafor ) |
componentId | body | string | No | Identifier of the component |
Request Example
pagePath: /public/test.datafor
componentId: C739239F-4B54-6C90-8389-BF77F713AA98
Response Examples
"success": true,
"data": [
"cron": {
"complexJobTrigger": {
"uiPassParam": "WEEKLY",
"startTime": "2024-08-07T12:00:00.000+08:00",
"endTime": null,
"daysOfWeek": ["0"]
"componentId": "C739239F-4B54-6C90-8389-BF77F713AA98",
"rule": {
"conditions": [
"comparator": "between",
"uniqueName": "[Measures].[store_sales]",
"match": "any",
"inclusiveLeft": true,
"inclusiveRight": true,
"id": "sales_fact.store_sales.1717310261398",
"value": [1, 2]
"logical": "and/or"
"pagePath": "/public/test.datafor",
"pageExists": true,
"pagePathTitle": "/Public/test",
"pageTitle": "test",
"title": "",
"enabled": "1",
"nextRun": 1739678400000,
"emailConfig": {
"ccUsers": ["sally"],
"subject": "alert",
"executor": "admin",
"bccUsers": ["linda"],
"toUsers": ["ada", "peter"],
"content": "html or text"
"jobid": "admin\tAlertTaskAction\t64afc643-ea02-11ef-85a8-14755bc39e02",
"channels": ["email"],
"componentTitle": "test",
"executor": "admin",
"name": "alert1",
"state": "NORMAL",
"qm": {
"mdx": null,
"metadata": {},
"plugins": {},
"name": "C739239F-4B54-6C90-8389-BF77F713AA98",
"queryModel": {
"calculatedMembers": [],
"lowestLevelsOnly": false,
"calculatedMeasures": [],
"axes": {
"mdx": null,
"hierarchizeMode": null,
"hierarchies": [
"schema": "workshop-model",
"cmembers": {},
"name": "[time_by_day].[AGG_the_date]",
"cube": "workshop-model",
"id": "UUID-344F5E34-451E-BB1A-B991-2D4192646E1B",
"levels": {
"the_date@@MONTHS": "[Object]"
"sortOrder": null,
"sortEvaluationLiteral": null,
"nonEmpty": false,
"location": "FILTER",
"filters": []
"mdx": null,
"hierarchizeMode": null,
"hierarchies": [],
"sortOrder": null,
"sortEvaluationLiteral": null,
"nonEmpty": true,
"location": "COLUMNS",
"filters": [],
"filterAxis": false
"ROWS": {
"mdx": null,
"hierarchizeMode": null,
"hierarchies": [
"cmembers": {},
"name": "[product_class].[hierarchy_product_family1]",
"filters": [],
"levels": {
"product_family": "[Object]"
"sortOrder": null,
"sortEvaluationLiteral": null,
"nonEmpty": true,
"location": "ROWS",
"filters": []
"details": {
"measures": [
"uniqueName": "[Measures].[sales_fact.store_sales]",
"name": "sales_fact.store_sales",
"caption": "store_sales",
"id": "sales_fact.store_sales.1717310261398",
"sort": 2,
"type": "EXACT"
"location": "BOTTOM",
"axis": "COLUMNS"
"visualTotalsPattern": null,
"visualTotals": false
"cube": {
"schema": "workshop-model",
"uniqueName": "[workshop-model].[workshop-model].[workshop-model].[workshop-model]",
"visible": true,
"catalog": "workshop-model",
"name": "workshop-model",
"caption": "workshop-model",
"connection": "workshop-model"
"type": "QUERYMODEL",
"parameters": {},
"properties": {
"datafor.secret.appKey": "",
"datafor.query.pick.row": "0,5000",
"datafor.source.format": "true",
"datafor.olap.result.formatter": "mix",
"datafor.client.locale": "en",
"datafor.client.timezone": "Australia/Melbourne"
"queryType": "OLAP"
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | none | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | Yes | Indicates whether the request was successful |
data | [object] | Yes | An array of alert objects |
├── cron | object | No | Scheduling configuration |
│ └── complexJobTrigger | object | Yes | Settings for triggers (start/end time, daysOfWeek, etc.) |
├── componentId | string | No | The component’s ID |
├── rule | object | No | Defines the alert logic and conditions |
├── pagePath | string | No | Full path of the page |
├── pageExists | boolean | No | Indicates if the page currently exists |
├── pagePathTitle | string | No | Translated or displayed title for the page path |
├── pageTitle | string | No | Title of the page |
├── title | string | No | Alert title |
├── enabled | string | No | Whether the alert is enabled (1 = true, 0 = false) |
├── nextRun | integer | No | Timestamp (ms) for the next run |
├── emailConfig | object | No | Email alert configuration |
├── jobid | string | No | Internal job identifier |
├── channels | [string] | No | Channels used to send the alert (["email"] , etc.) |
├── componentTitle | string | No | Title of the component |
├── executor | string | No | Username who last executed or updated the alert |
├── name | string | No | Alert name |
├── state | string | No | Alert’s current state (e.g., NORMAL , PAUSED ) |
└── qm | object | No | Contains query configuration (e.g., queryModel , properties , cube ) |