Update an alert
About 546 wordsAbout 2 min
Request URL
Use of this API requires authentication. For details about the authentication method, see
Content Typeapplication/json
- The current user must have administrative privileges for the alert.
Request Schema
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | object | No | Overall JSON payload |
├── enabled | body | string | Yes | 1 (true) or 0 (false) |
├── name | body | string | Yes | Alert name |
├── title | body | string | Yes | Alert title |
├── rule | body | object | Yes | Defines alert conditions |
│ ├── logical | body | string | Yes | Logical operator: and or or |
│ └── conditions | body | [object] | Yes | Array of condition objects |
│ ├── id | body | string | No | Unique condition/measure ID |
│ ├── uniqueName | body | string | No | Unique measure identifier |
│ ├── comparator | body | string | No | Comparison operator (e.g., < , > , == , etc.) |
│ ├── value | body | [integer] | No | Values for comparison |
│ ├── inclusiveLeft | body | boolean | No | Used when comparator is between /not between |
│ ├── inclusiveRight | body | boolean | No | Used when comparator is between /not between |
│ └── match | body | string | No | any or all (default: any ) |
├── qm | body | object | Yes | Query configuration wrapper |
│ ├── queryModel | body | object | Yes | OLAP axes, measures, etc. |
│ │ ├── axes | body | object | Yes | Configuration for FILTER , COLUMNS , ROWS |
│ │ │ ├── FILTER | body | object | Yes | Filter axis |
│ │ │ ├── COLUMNS | body | object | Yes | Columns axis |
│ │ │ └── ROWS | body | object | Yes | Rows axis |
│ │ ├── visualTotals | body | boolean | Yes | Whether to enable visual totals |
│ │ ├── visualTotalsPattern | body | null | Yes | Pattern for visual totals (not used if false ) |
│ │ ├── lowestLevelsOnly | body | boolean | Yes | Whether to only show lowest hierarchy levels |
│ │ ├── details | body | object | Yes | Additional detail settings |
│ │ ├── calculatedMeasures | body | [string] | Yes | Calculated measures (if any) |
│ │ ├── calculatedMembers | body | [string] | Yes | Calculated members (if any) |
│ │ ├── queryType | body | string | Yes | E.g., OLAP |
│ │ ├── properties | body | object | Yes | Misc. query properties |
│ │ ├── parameters | body | object | Yes | Query parameters (if any) |
│ │ ├── plugins | body | object | Yes | Plugin configuration |
│ │ ├── mdx | body | null | Yes | Not used in this example |
│ │ ├── name | body | string | Yes | The component ID (same as componentId ) |
│ │ ├── metadata | body | object | Yes | Metadata object |
│ │ ├── type | body | string | Yes | E.g., QUERYMODEL |
│ │ └── cube | body | object | Yes | Cube definition (schema, catalog, etc.) |
├── cron | body | object | Yes | Scheduling configuration |
│ └── complexJobTrigger | body | object | Yes | Detailed scheduling settings |
│ ├── endTime | body | null | Yes | End time (null if open-ended) |
│ ├── startTime | body | string | Yes | Start time (e.g., 2024-08-07T12:00:00.000+08:00 ) |
│ ├── uiPassParam | body | string | Yes | Scheduling frequency (e.g., WEEKLY ) |
│ └── daysOfWeek | body | [string] | Yes | E.g., ["0"] for Sunday |
├── channels | body | [string] | Yes | Alert channels (e.g., ["email"] ) |
├── emailConfig | body | object | Yes | Email alert configuration |
│ ├── toUsers | body | [string] | Yes | Recipients of the alert email |
│ ├── ccUsers | body | [string] | Yes | CC recipients |
│ ├── bccUsers | body | [string] | Yes | BCC recipients |
│ ├── subject | body | string | Yes | Email subject |
│ ├── content | body | string | Yes | Email body (plain or rich text) |
│ └── executor | body | string | Yes | Username who configures or triggers the alert |
├── pagePath | body | string | Yes | Full path of the page (e.g., /public/test.datafor ) |
├── componentId | body | string | Yes | The component’s ID |
└── componentTitle | body | string | Yes | The component title (e.g., "test") |
Enum Values
Name | Value |
comparator | < , > , <= , >= , == , != , between , not between , in , not in , is empty , is not empty |
Response Examples
"msg": "success",
"success": true
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | none | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
msg | string | No | Message string |
success | boolean | Yes | Request status |