Verify a rule
About 345 wordsAbout 1 min
apiData Security
Request URL
Use of this API requires authentication. For details about the authentication method, see
Content Typeapplication/json
- The current user’s type cannot be
. - The current user must have administrative privileges for the connection.
Request Schema
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | object | Yes | Request payload |
├── dbconn | body | string | Yes | Database connection name |
├── configList | body | array | Yes | List of rule configurations |
│ ├── schema | body | string | Yes | Schema name |
│ ├── tbname | body | string | Yes | Table name |
│ ├── rows | body | string | No | JSON formatted rule condition |
│ ├── sql | body | string | Yes | SQL condition |
Request Example
"dbconn": "Demo",
"configList": [
"schema": "public",
"tbname": "time_dim",
"rows": "{\"field\":\"YEAR\",\"operator\":\"=\",\"value\":2005}",
"sql": "\"YEAR\"=2005"
Response Examples
Error Response Example
"dbconn": "Demo",
"configList": [
"schema": "public",
"msg": "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Unterminated identifier started at position 40 in SQL select * from \"public\".\"time_dim\" where \"YEAR=2005. Expected \" char",
"tbname": "time_dim",
"success": false,
"rows": "{\"field\":\"YEAR\",\"operator\":\"=\",\"value\":2005}",
"sql": "\"YEAR=2005"
Success Response Example
"dbconn": "Demo",
"configList": [
"schema": "public",
"tbname": "time_dim",
"data": [
"MONTH_KEY": 200501,
"YEAR": 2005,
"QUARTER_KEY": 20051,
"DAY_KEY": 20050101,
"DAY_DATE": "2005-01-01 00:00:00.0"
"meta": [
"typeDesc": "Integer",
"comments": "DAY_KEY",
"originalColumnType": 4,
"originalNullable": 0,
"length": 9,
"type": 5,
"originalColumnTypeName": "int4",
"originalPrecision": 10,
"originalSigned": true,
"name": "DAY_KEY",
"originalScale": 0,
"storageType": 0,
"originName": "DAY_KEY"
"success": true,
"rows": "{\"field\":\"YEAR\",\"operator\":\"=\",\"value\":2005}",
"sql": "\"YEAR\"=2005"
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | none | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
dbconn | string | Yes | Database connection name |
configList | array | Yes | List of rule verification results |
├── schema | string | No | Schema name |
├── msg | string | No | Error message (if any) |
├── tbname | string | No | Table name |
├── success | boolean | No | Whether the verification was successful |
├── rows | string | No | JSON formatted rule condition |
├── sql | string | No | SQL condition |
├── data | array | No | Retrieved data if verification passes |
├── meta | array | No | Column metadata for retrieved data |