Get file tree
About 337 wordsAbout 1 min
Request URL
The current user must have appropriate permissions to access file structures.
Content Typeapplication/json
Query Parameters
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
pathId | query | string | No | The ID of the folder to retrieve the file tree from. |
showHidden | query | string | No | Whether to include hidden files and folders. |
Response Examples
✅ Success Response
"file": {
"name": "public",
"id": "44153c42-e4c4-4cce-8ca7-f9025ea7e1ab",
"createdDate": "1636119568448",
"folder": true,
"path": "/public",
"hidden": false,
"title": "Public"
"children": [
"file": {
"name": "workshop.datafor",
"id": "2f5a2686-50ed-4104-a459-a300013ac2ca",
"createdDate": "1722844149655",
"fileSize": 322,
"folder": false,
"path": "/public/workshop.datafor",
"hidden": false,
"title": "workshop"
"children": []
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | File tree retrieved successfully. |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid parameters provided. |
401 | Unauthorized | Authentication required. |
403 | Forbidden | User lacks permission to access file tree. |
404 | Not Found | Folder not found. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error occurred. |
Response Data Schema
Name | Type | Required | Description |
file | object | Yes | Root folder details. | | string | Yes | Name of the folder. | | string | Yes | Unique ID of the folder. |
file.createdDate | string | Yes | Creation timestamp. |
file.folder | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the entity is a folder. |
file.path | string | Yes | Full path of the folder. |
file.hidden | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the folder is hidden. |
file.title | string | Yes | Display title of the folder. |
children | array | Yes | List of child folders and files. |
children.file | object | Yes | File or folder details. | | string | Yes | Name of the file or folder. | | string | Yes | Unique ID of the file or folder. |
children.file.createdDate | string | Yes | Creation timestamp. |
children.file.fileSize | integer | No | File size in bytes (null for folders). |
children.file.folder | boolean | Yes | Indicates if it is a folder. |
children.file.path | string | Yes | Full path of the file or folder. |
children.file.hidden | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the file or folder is hidden. |
children.file.title | string | Yes | Display title of the file or folder. |
children.children | array | No | Nested child elements (if any). |