Get model's lineage
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Request URL
The current user must have read access to the specified model.
Query Parameters
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
includeOthers | query | string | No | Whether to include additional related objects. |
schema | query | string | No | The name of the model to retrieve lineage for. |
Response Examples
✅ Success Response
"data": [
"schema": "workshop-model",
"files": [],
"otherFiles": []
"success": true
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | Model lineage retrieved successfully. |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid request format or missing parameters. |
401 | Unauthorized | Authentication required. |
403 | Forbidden | User lacks the required permissions. |
404 | Not Found | Specified model does not exist. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error occurred. |
Response Data Schema
Name | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | Yes | true if the request was successful, false otherwise. |
data | array[object] | Yes | List of model lineage details. |
data[].schema | string | No | Name of the schema (model). |
data[].files | array[string] | No | List of files associated with the schema. |
data[].otherFiles | array[string] | No | Additional related files. |
msg | string | No | Response message (if applicable). |