Preview data by Columns
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Request URL
Use of this API requires authentication. For details about the authentication method, see
Content Typeapplication/json
- The current user needs read privileges to the database connection.
Request Schema
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | object | No | The request payload containing table and column details. |
├── connection | body | string | No | The name of the database connection. |
├── schema | body | string | No | The schema containing the table. |
├── table | body | string | No | The table from which data will be previewed. |
├── columns | body | string | No | JSON array of columns to be retrieved. If detail is not empty, it means a calculated column. |
├── limit | body | string | No | The maximum number of rows to return. |
Request Example
connection: foodmart
schema: foodmart
table: time_by_day
columns: '[{"name":"day_of_month","detail":""},{"name":"fiscal_period","detail":""},{"name":"month_of_year","detail":""},{"name":"quarter","detail":""},{"name":"the_date","detail":""},{"name":"the_day","detail":""},{"name":"the_month","detail":""},{"name":"the_year","detail":""},{"name":"time_id","detail":""},{"name":"week_of_year","detail":""}]'
limit: "50"
Response Examples
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"the_month": "January",
"time_id": 738,
"the_year": 1998,
"month_of_year": 1,
"the_day": "Wednesday",
"day_of_month": 7,
"week_of_year": 4,
"quarter": "Q1",
"the_date": "1998-01-07 00:00:00.0"
"the_month": "January",
"time_id": 739,
"the_year": 1998,
"month_of_year": 1,
"the_day": "Thursday",
"day_of_month": 8,
"week_of_year": 4,
"quarter": "Q1",
"the_date": "1998-01-08 00:00:00.0"
"meta": [
"typeDesc": "Integer",
"comments": "day_of_month",
"originalColumnType": 5,
"originalNullable": 0,
"length": 4,
"type": 5,
"originalColumnTypeName": "int2",
"name": "day_of_month"
"typeDesc": "String",
"comments": "fiscal_period",
"originalColumnType": 12,
"originalNullable": 0,
"length": 30,
"type": 2,
"originalColumnTypeName": "varchar",
"name": "fiscal_period"
"success": true
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | The request was successful, and the response contains preview data. | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
msg | string | Yes | Message indicating the status of the request (e.g., "success" ). |
data | array | Yes | The previewed data in a tabular format. |
├── column_name | mixed | Yes | The value of each column in the previewed data. |
meta | array | Yes | Metadata about the columns returned in the preview. |
├── typeDesc | string | Yes | Description of the column type (e.g., "Integer" , "String" ). |
├── comments | string | Yes | Column description or comment. |
├── originalColumnType | integer | Yes | The original column type as per the database. |
├── originalNullable | integer | Yes | Indicates if the column is nullable (0 for not nullable, 1 for nullable). |
├── length | integer | Yes | The length of the column. |
├── type | integer | Yes | Internal representation of column type. |
├── originalColumnTypeName | string | Yes | The original column type name in the database. |
├── name | string | Yes | The column name. |
success | boolean | Yes | A boolean flag indicating whether the request was processed successfully. |