Add or modify a model
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Request URL
Use of this API requires authentication. For details about the authentication method, see
Content Type
- The current user’s type cannot be
Request Schema
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | object | No | Request payload containing model analysis data. |
├── parameters | body | string | No | Additional parameters, formatted as key-value pairs (e.g., DataSource=Demo;EnableXmla=false ). |
├── catalogName | body | string | No | Replaces the name in the XML. If empty, the XML root name is used. |
├── catalogCaption | body | string | No | Replaces the caption in the XML. If empty, the XML root caption is used. |
├── notUpdateAcl | body | string | No | Determines whether ACL updates should be skipped. Default is false . |
├── uploadAnalysis | body | string (binary) | Yes | The model XML file to be uploaded. |
├── overwrite | body | string | No | Determines overwrite behavior: set to false for initial save, true for confirming save when the name already exists. |
Response Examples
"success": true,
"status": 3
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data Schema |
200 | OK | The request was successful. | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
success | boolean | Yes | Indicates whether the request was successful. |
status | integer | No | The status code of the operation. |