Add a job
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Content Typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
This API schedules a new job for execution. The job can be configured with parameters, scheduling options, and input/output file paths.
Request Example
"jobName": "Update_Logging_Datamart",
"overwriteFile": "false",
"simpleJobTrigger": {
"uiPassParam": "RUN_ONCE",
"repeatInterval": 0,
"repeatCount": 0,
"startTime": "2024-08-07T00:00:00.000+08:00",
"endTime": null
"inputFile": "/public/pentaho-operations-mart/DI Ops Mart ETL/Update_Logging_Datamart.kjb",
"outputFile": "/home/admin",
"timeZone": "Etc/UCT",
"jobParameters": []
Request Schema
Name | Location | Type | Required | Description |
jobName | body | string | Yes | The name of the job to be scheduled. |
overwriteFile | body | string | No | Specifies whether to overwrite the existing output file. |
simpleJobTrigger | body | object | No | Defines the job execution trigger. |
├── uiPassParam | body | string | Yes | Execution mode (e.g., RUN_ONCE ). |
├── repeatInterval | body | integer | Yes | The time interval between executions (in milliseconds). |
├── repeatCount | body | integer | Yes | The number of times the job should repeat (0 for no repeats). |
├── startTime | body | string | Yes | The scheduled start time of the job (ISO 8601 format). |
├── endTime | body | null | Yes | The scheduled end time of the job (if applicable). |
inputFile | body | string | No | The file path of the input job file (.kjb or .ktr ). |
outputFile | body | string | No | The output directory where results will be stored. |
timeZone | body | string | Yes | The time zone used for scheduling the job (e.g., Etc/UCT ). |
jobParameters | body | array | No | Additional parameters to pass to the job. |
Response Examples
Successful Response (HTTP 200)
"success": true
Failure Response (Example)
"msg": "Invalid job configuration",
"success": false
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data Schema |
200 | OK | Request was successful | Inline |