Get jobs
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Request URL
Authentication is required to use this API.
This API retrieves a list of scheduled jobs, including details such as job parameters, execution schedules, and status.
Response Examples
Successful Response (HTTP 200)
"job": [
"groupName": "admin",
"jobId": "admin\tPentahoSystemVersionCheck\t350ab76c-52f3-11ef-8d47-14755bc39e02",
"jobName": "PentahoSystemVersionCheck",
"jobParams": {
"jobParams": [
"name": "ActionAdapterQuartzJob-ActionUser",
"value": "admin"
"name": "lineage-id",
"value": "68bf0d34-4848-4061-abd0-ed334b5ce68d"
"name": "ActionAdapterQuartzJob-ActionClass",
"value": "org.pentaho.platform.scheduler2.versionchecker.VersionCheckerAction"
"name": "versionRequestFlags",
"value": "0"
"jobTrigger": {
"@type": "simpleJobTrigger",
"duration": "-1",
"startTime": "2024-08-05T14:23:18.893+08:00",
"repeatCount": "-1",
"repeatInterval": "86400"
"lastRun": "2024-08-06T14:23:18.893+08:00",
"nextRun": "2024-08-07T14:23:18.893+08:00",
"state": "NORMAL",
"userName": "admin"
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data Schema |
200 | OK | Request was successful | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
job | array | Yes | List of scheduled jobs. |
├── groupName | string | No | The user group associated with the job. |
├── jobId | string | No | The unique identifier of the job. |
├── jobName | string | No | The name of the scheduled job. |
├── jobParams | object | No | The parameters associated with the job. |
│ ├── jobParams | array | Yes | List of job parameters. |
│ │ ├── name | string | Yes | The parameter name. |
│ │ ├── value | string | Yes | The parameter value. |
├── jobTrigger | object | No | The job execution trigger details. |
│ ├── @type | string | Yes | The type of trigger (simpleJobTrigger ). |
│ ├── duration | string | Yes | The duration of the job execution. |
│ ├── startTime | string | Yes | The scheduled start time of the job (ISO 8601 format). |
│ ├── repeatCount | string | Yes | The number of times the job should repeat (-1 for indefinite). |
│ ├── repeatInterval | string | Yes | The interval between job executions (in seconds). |
├── lastRun | string | No | The timestamp of the last job execution. |
├── nextRun | string | No | The timestamp of the next scheduled execution. |
├── state | string | No | The current state of the job (NORMAL , PAUSED , etc.). |
├── userName | string | No | The username of the job owner. |