Get token list
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Request URL
Use of this API requires authentication. For details about the authentication method, see
Content Typeapplication/json
- The current user's user type must be
Response Examples
"data": [
"initroles": [
"fieldmap": {
"name": "name",
"email": "email",
"username": "loginname"
"createdDate": 1737599864898,
"inituser": "1",
"lastModifiedDate": 1737601114115,
"enable": "1",
"expire": 86400,
"name": "ERP",
"token_name": "token",
"creatorId": 1737601114115,
"secret": "abcd",
"algorithm": "HS256"
"success": true
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | The request was successful. | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
data | [object] | Yes | none | List of token data objects. |
├── initroles | [string] | No | none | List of initial roles assigned to the token. |
├── fieldmap | object | No | none | Mapping of token fields. |
│ ├── name | string | Yes | none | Field name for name . |
│ ├── email | string | Yes | none | Field name for email . |
│ ├── username | string | Yes | none | Field name for username . |
├── inituser | string | No | none | Initial user ID. |
├── enable | string | No | none | Token enable status (1 for enabled). |
├── expire | integer | No | none | Token expiration time in seconds. |
├── name | string | No | none | Name of the token. |
├── token_name | string | No | none | Token name. |
├── secret | string | No | none | Secret key for the token. |
├── creatorId | integer | No | none | ID of the creator. |
├── lastModifiedDate | long | No | none | Last modified timestamp. |
├── createdDate | long | No | none | Creation timestamp. |
├── algorithm | string | No | none | Token algorithm used (e.g., HS256 ). |
success | boolean | Yes | none | Indicates if the request was successful (true or false ). |