Get user settings and system information
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apiUser Settings
Request URL
Authentication is not required to use this API.
Response Examples
"ver": "C",
"code": 200,
"__LOAD_VARIABLE__": "1740013039357",
"plugins": [
"roles": [
"lic": {
"valid": true,
"licenseType": "O",
"hasLicense": false,
"expire": 1742969448711
"canEdit": true,
"serverNameFull": "http://localhost:28080/datafor/",
"contextPath": "/datafor/",
"locale": "en",
"localeList": [
"islogged": true,
"username": "admin"
HTTP Responses
HTTP Status Code | Meaning | Description | Data schema |
200 | OK | The request was successful. | Inline |
Response Data Schema (HTTP 200)
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
ver | string | Yes | none | Version of the response. |
code | integer | Yes | none | Status code of the response. |
__LOAD_VARIABLE__ | string | Yes | none | A load variable for tracking. |
plugins | [string] | Yes | none | List of enabled plugins. |
roles | [string] | Yes | none | List of roles assigned to the user. |
lic | object | Yes | none | License information. |
├── valid | boolean | Yes | none | Whether the license is valid. |
├── licenseType | string | Yes | none | Type of the license (e.g., O ). |
├── hasLicense | boolean | Yes | none | Whether the user has a license. |
├── expire | integer | Yes | none | Expiration timestamp of the license. |
canEdit | boolean | Yes | none | Whether the user can edit settings. |
serverNameFull | string | Yes | none | Full server URL. |
contextPath | string | Yes | none | Context path of the server. |
locale | string | No | none | User's current locale (returned when logged). |
localeList | [string] | No | none | List of available locales (BCP47). |
islogged | boolean | Yes | none | Whether the user is logged in. |
username | string | Yes | none | Username of the logged-in user. |
Enum Values
Name | Value |
ver | C , F |