Reports REST API
About 344 wordsAbout 1 min
Optimibi provides a suite of REST APIs that allow users to interact with reports via HTTP requests.
Open a Blank Report Designer
Open a Report
URL Format: <server url>
/<report id>
<server url>
: The base url address,for examplehttp://localhost:28080/datafor
: The mode for opening the report, with three options:- edit: Opens the report in edit mode.
- open: Opens the report in view mode.
- integrate: Opens the report in embed mode, typically used for embedding the report in other pages via an iframe.
<report id>
: The ID of the report.<parameter>
: Parameters for integrate mode URL:- __compact=true: Removes the report page's outer margins.
- __clean=true: Removes the default shadow effect of the report page.
- __forceAdjust=true: Adjusts the report width to fit the container.
Note: "__" represents two consecutive underscore characters.
Open the report in edit mode:
Open the report in view mode:
Open the report in embed mode:
Open the report in embed mode and remove the page's outer margins:
Open the report in embed mode, remove the page's border shadow, and adjust the width to fit the iframe container:
How to Retrieve a Report ID
Method 1: Copy from URL
Open the report in a new window
The report ID can be found in the browser's address bar.
Method 2: Generate using code
Use the API to get the file path.
For example:
Encode the path using the Base64 method
window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent("/public/123.datafor"))).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_");